Friday, January 8, 2010


Christmas was a busy time of the year here, not due to the fact of having 6 children ~ 4 of which are 8 and under. We were blessed to be able to pass out gifts this year with the help of our friends. We had many people helping this Christmas ~ some of the few were...Joan & Charles Tanner, donations from First Baptist Church - Florence KY, Dr's & RN's from the Crownpoint Hospital, Sierra Vista Counseling, Thoreau Church of God and many more.

The donations of all the toys from First Baptist Church, in Florence, KY made it possible for hundred's of children to receive gifts this season. We were able to give gifts to 25 families (total of 78 children) at the Baca/Dlo ayazhi Community School, to the members of the Thoreau community after the Thoreau Church of God Christmas program, gifts were given to the children in care of CYFD (Child, Youth, Family Division of NM) in Cibola county, gifts were given out at the Crownpoint Clinic during the holiday seasons - on the holiday itself and by the pedestrians during the holiday to needy families and to the volunteers that helped wrapped the presents.

We had multiple people wrap gifts this season. It was wonderful to see how the community jumped in to help with our goal of getting as many gifts out as we could wrapped. There was a Christmas wrapping party in Crownpoint, where multiple gifts were able to be wrapped to in an evening. One nurse provider took gifts on a weekend trip to Durango and was able to hand pick the gifts to be given out to the Baca/Dlo ayazhi Community School. Sierra Vista Counseling was able to oversee gift wrapping by those who needed community service. These gifts were used for the CFYD who would have had a smaller Christmas.

On December 18th the Thoreau Church of God had their annual Christmas program at 6pm, after the program we were able to give out Bibles, Beans & Bibles ~ something we called Bueno! We had 8 tables of gifts that were given out and over 100 blankets, one blanket to each family. People were stopping by before the event, but they were encouraged to attend the church and return after the service. The program was so well attended it ended up with standing room by the close of the event. We were at the house till after 11pm giving out hope to those whose life was a little more sparse than we were experiencing.

We are so thankful to those who donated money for the wrapping of the gifts, time for the wrapping and the prayers from those who were not near to help with the wrapping at the Most Wonderful time of the Year. None of these small things we do here on earth can compare to our Savior's gift of love, our Lord gave his life for us. The best gift we can give to those out here is the hearing of the Word of our Lord.


When I signed in I could not believe how long it had been since I had last posted something. Please forgive the delay in getting all our good news out.

In November the LWML (Lutheran Women's Missionary League) from Trinity Lutheran Church LCMS, in Gallup, NM decided to help The Thomas House with our desire to pass out 100 food baskets for Thanksgiving to the Elders and those needing help in the area. They hosted a food drive of non-persiable items, that way The Thomas House would not have to spend money on buying $25 Holiday Baskets from the Gallup Community Pantry. Also Thrivent Community Cares offered to match money spent on turkeys for the baskets, so we could buy twice as much. Thrivent matched the money up to $800, which I spent on turkeys, rolls, potatos, cranberries, and stuffing. We were blessed that when Howie and the gang came in September, we did not have to purchase canned vegetables.

The youth from Trinity came to the house to prepare and deliver food baskets. Along with the baskets, we delivered prayer, love and warm blankets. This was a good experience for the youth to visit and see the difference between city living and rough reservation life. Several of the houses did not have electricity, most did not have plumbing that we went to. I was so glad to see on lady who recieved a blasket last year that had a hogan in shambles, this year was having a new on built by family this year.

By the end of the Holiday Basket drive - I am proud to say, we gave away 93 food baskets total, 25 of these basekts were given directly to Baca/Dlo ayazhi Community School and the rest were passed out to those who had visited The Clothing Barn and those that community leaders knew that were in need. We had doctors at Crownpoint Medical Facility PHS, the hospital George works at, to bake turkeys for those who didn't have baking facilities, it truly was a blessing to see everyone work together to get the job done. Beverly of Sierra Vista Counseling made a donation of $250 to help get all the items purchased that was needed for the baskets that was not donated. They also spent a few hours making baksets one afternoon, so the delivery for Baca could go unhindered.